Subject: I'm Mad Scientist Muscle program...

Mad Scientist Muscle is one of my best muscle-building programs.

But now, it's time to retire it...and I'm dropping the price from $30 down to $7 for the next few days...and then I'll take it down FOREVER.

(keeping reading below for the full deal).

Why retire the program if it's so good?

Because I've put together something even BETTER.

The Mad Scientist Muscle program is based on three major phases...structural training, accumulation and intensificiation.


1. Structural Training

This phase is designed to improve the underlying physiology of your body for muscle growth...better blood vessel density, increased connective tissue strength, stronger nervous system activation.

I actually took this concept and DRAMATICALLY expanded it into my Metamorphosis program. That program takes the one week of structural training and expands into 3 months of targeted, physiology-enhancing training.

Honestly, the Metamorphosis program is one of the most groundbreaking programs I've ever put together. It's incredible.


2. Accumulation and Intensification

This concept is AMAZING for building muscle.

For 3 weeks, you ramp up the training volume while decreasing rest periods. Then for another 3 weeks, you drop the rest periods and the volume and focus on lifting heavy weight.

It's like going up a steep hill in a car with the gas pedal might be going slow on the way, but when you come over to the other side and head down with that gas pedal still floored, you are going to be FLYING.

When I expanded the Structural week into the Metamorphosis program, I also took THAT phase out of the Mad Scientist Muscle program and expanded it into my Two Block Mass book.

This book takes that "gas pedal" concept of targeting training volume and allows you to customize your own 3 week training blocks, using my favorite hypertrophy and strength methods.

This puts YOU in full control of how you want to train for mass and strength.



So Here's the Deal...And It's a Killer Deal...

Until this coming Sunday at midnight, you've got two options...


1. Get Mad Scientist Muscle on its own for $7

You can pick up just the Mad Scientist Muscle program on its own for 7 bucks. You'll get every single program, method, video and bonus that goes along with it.

Click here to go to the main website for Mad Scientist Muscle to read more about it and order through the links at the bottom.


2. Get Mad Scientist Muscle, Metamorphosis and Two Block Mass TOGETHER for $27.

The regular price for all three of these books combined would be $75. I normally sell Metamorphosis on its own for $35. You're getting all three for 64% off that total price.

Click here to read more about Metamorphosis (but don't order off that page).

I don't have a website set up for Two Block Mass yet (that's coming soon).

Click HERE to order all three books in one package for just $27.


That's all for now! I'll be back tomorrow with a bunch more info about all three of these programs!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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