Subject: I'm retiring the BEST fat-loss program I ever put together...

The program is Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss.

If you're tried it before, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

This program is AWESOME.

So...if it's so good, why am I retiring it?

Well, I first created the program back in 2004...I've updated it several times since then...and it absolutely still works...and works GREAT.

I'm not kidding when I say it's the best fat-loss program I've ever put together.

However, the overall look and feel of the program just needs a pretty big facelift.

As well, I've learned a LOT more about fat-loss training in the time since I originally put the program together and I'll be working on putting together a comprehensive, new fat-loss program in the upcoming year, using many of the same concepts as I have in the Surge program.

Right now, though, I wanted to give you a final crack at picking up this program in the New Year to kick start yourself to a whole new body.

Honestly, this program will TRANSFORM you faster than any other program I've found.

This is what it did for ME the first time I tested it out (did 2 rounds in a row).


So right now, I want to offer you a chance to pick up Metabolic Surge for just 10 BUCKS.

That's not all, though...I'm ALSO going to give you a chance to include my Metabolic Monsters book for another 10 bucks ($20 total for both).

When you pick up this package, I will also include a suggested schedule on how to incorporate the Metabolic Monsters workouts into the Surge nutrition program so that you get even BETTER results.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Surge.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Monsters.

I'll be back tomorrow with a lot more info about the Surge program.

This is one of my favorite programs of all time...(I've even got a bodyweight version of the program you can do at home).

If you know you want to get it, you can click here to go buy the Surge program directly here.

If you want the two book combo package, you can buy it directly here.

If you have any questions about either of the programs, hit reply and let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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