Subject: If you're a trainer...sorry, you were supposed to get this yesterday!

If you're a personal trainer or coach or own a training facility, this is a potential game-changer for you...definitely read this whole email.

It's a total "how-to" blueprint for improving your training business FAST, from some of the best guys in the business at doing it...Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Nick Berry, and Pat Rigsby.

So the reason I wanted to get this to you yesterday (and sorry about that!) is that TODAY is the last day they're offering it a $100 off launch discount.

I've had a look through this product and this stuff is definitely has the potential to substantially increase your business VERY quickly and really streamline your operations so that you spend less time doing the drudge work and more time doing the FUN stuff that you started the business for in the first place!

Click here to check it out now...

Eric Cressey covers...

  • The Rationale For Doing Assessments In Your Business and Why They're Critical For Your Success
  • The Goal Of Performing Assessments
  • The Difference Between Specific and General Assessments...and Why You Need To Do Both
  • How Your Specific Business Model Will Dictate Your Assessment Approach
  • A Look Behind The Curtain At What Other Successful Fitness Professionals Do Regarding Assessments In Various Business Models
  • The Most Important Upper and Lower Extremity Assessments, and Their Significance to Coaching and Program Design
  • Common Assessment Mistakes...and How You Can Avoid Them...

Mike Robertson teaches you...

  • How to Run Effective Staff Trainings and Meetings - All the Things They Cover in Every Meeting, as Well as How They Keep the IFAST Team Up-To-Date and Current on New Training Tools
  • Session Delivery and Format - The Key Components They Use in Every Program, as Well as How They Deliver Each and Every Session
  • Prospect Intake - Mike Takes You Through the Entire Process, Phase by Phase From Beginning To End, Teaching You What To Focus On To Set The Prospect Up For Success...and Close More Sales
  • How To Maximize Your Own Personal Development - Figuring Out What Matters Most to You, Continuing to Develop as a Coach and Fitness Business Owner.
  • How You Grow Your Fitness Business Without Selling Out or Watering Down Your Product...

Pat Rigsby reveals...

  • How To Lay The Foundation For Fitness Business Success From Choosing The Right Business Model To Determining Your Core Value
  • The Truth About Marketing and How You Can Consistently Attract High Quality Leads Month After Month
  • An Approach To Sales That Will Close Prospects Consistently Without Ever Feeling Like A 'Salesperson'
  • Techniques That Will Bring You Anywhere From 2 - 7 Times the Amount of Referrals From Your Current Clients Than You're Getting Now.
  • Strategies To Keep Clients 8-10 Times Longer Than The Average Personal Trainer
  • Proven Systems To Add Multiple Streams Of Revenue To Your Business...and Get Your Clients Better Results...


...A Special Bonus Module From Fitness Business Operations Guru Nick Berry on Client Management Made Simple!

Grab these 14 Modules, 20 Assessment Videos, 15 tools and other special bonuses...and save $100 here:

Click here to check it out the Fitness Business Blueprint now...

If you're a trainer, consider this an investment in your certification course is going to teach you this stuff yet without it, your business won't be NEARLY as strong as it should be.

It could mean the difference between grinding it out every day or making a good living doing what you love!


P.S. I really do apologize for getting this to you so late like this. If you decide to pick up the product, send me your receipt and I'll hook you up with a complimentary full YEAR membership to my site ($97 value). I've got 850+ pages of exercises, programs and training techniques that will set you WAY apart from any other trainer in your area :).

That offer is good even if you pick it up after the deadline tonight (obviously, it's better if you do pick it up before then, though).

Click here to check it out the Fitness Business Blueprint now...

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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