Subject: If your joints are killing you...try this...

If your joints hurt, everything else you do in
the gym (and in life!) is affected.

And if you have joint pain, you know exactly what I'm talking about... takes longer to warm-up
... you can't lift as much weight can't train as long
...and once you're DONE training, the pain really kicks back in.

I've been through it myself, especially when I was a stage in
my training when I was doing a lot of very heavy
joints would be KILLING me the next day.

That's when I realized the importance of a good joint care supplement.

You need a supplement that not only curbs the inflammation, you
also need a supplement that contains ingredients to give you
the raw materials to help REBUILD the components of the joint.

Because here's the thing...just like with eating extra protein for
rebuilding your muscles, if you don't give your body the raw
materials to help rebuild the CAN'T.

And you'll stay in pain and have compromised function until
your body GETS a source of raw material to work with...or it'll
just do the best it can to cannibalize it from elsewhere in your

This happens a lot more noticeably as you get older, but it
can happen in younger people, too. As I mentioned above, it
happened to me in my 30's because I was training heavy.

When I focus on heavy training, I always put a joint supplement
into my supplement helps a LOT.

Now, if you're interested in an excellent joint care supplement
that DOES contain the anti-inflammatory ingredients AND the
raw ingredients for rebuilding your joints, here's one that I
would recomend.

Use the coupon code MADMUSCLE and get 15% off your
order (on that and any other supplements offered on the site).

Bottom line is this...I don't think everybody needs a joint care
supplement...but if you're getting older and already HAVE
joint pain or if you're younger and training heavy, I think it's
absolutely necessary.

Check out JointRegen here and get your 15% off with MADMUSCLE...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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