Subject: If you want SERIOUS raw strength and power, READ THIS...

So I'm not going to beat around the bush here...if you're interested in building
strength and power, there's a book you should absolutely get.

It's called "Deadlift Dynamite" and it's co-authored by two of the best in the
WORLD at building strength and power...

...Andy Bolton (a man who has deadlifted more than 1000 lbs twice in competition)
and Pavel Tsatsouline ("The Evil Russian"'ll recognize him as one of the
premier coaches in the strength and conditioning world and the man who
introduced kettlebell training to the West).

Andy Bolton and Pavel Tsatsouline

(You'll never guess which one is Andy, the 1000 lb deadlifter... ;)

To give you an idea, I know a few things about building strength and power...(below
is a pic of me with a 565 lb trap bar deadlift)...but these guys have knowledge WAY
beyond what I can bring to the table.

565 lb deadlift

And believe me, not trying to sell myself short...but what I lifted there is barely a
warm-up weight for Andy.

So Andy and Pavel have collaborated on a project that not only encompasses also goes in-depth on benching and squatting as well. And when
I originally got my review copy of this book, I literally made myself late for an
appointment because I couldn't stop reading it.

The tips you'll get in this book for deadlifting, benching and squatting
are nothing short of phenomenal.
Check out a few teasers here...


  • How this unique, little-known ‘hinge drill’ can be a lifesaver for serious deads—
    giving you way more power and flexibility…Page 8
  • The specific alignment you MUST employ if you want to superpower your dead…Page 16
  • Why chest-puffing like a regular weightlifter can hurt your gains when deading…Page 21
  • How to bombproof your often-vulnerable mid-back — for safer, more powerful lifts…Page 21
  • Weak abs spell trouble for lifters. Discover how to use the secrets of “HardStyle”
    breathing to end that strength-sapping and potentially disastrous deficit in your body…
    Pages 28—29


  • Why 99% of people bench appallingly—and what it takes to become a one-percenter… Page 41
  • The 3 keys to the perfect bench press set up…Page 44
  • What you MUST do to absolutely maximize your bench numbers…Page 44
  • There’s a science to unracking the bar for safety and longevity—get the FACTS here…Pages 48—49
  • The 8 keys to lowering the bar for optimal results…Pages 49—50


  • The proven and crucial methods guaranteed to improve your hip mobility and ensure
    a more massive power squat…Page 57
  • The magic of the RKC Face-the-Wall Squat to dramatically improve your lift…Pages 58—63
  • How to pull yourself down into the hole and the gains you’ll get from mastering this
    method…Page 64
  • Discover how to descend like a pro with the Box Squat…Page 72
  • Why you need to obey the Law of Compensatory Acceleration to squeeze more gains
    out of your lift…Page 87
  • 5 big ideas for fixing common squat problems…Pages 89—93

And honestly, these things aren't even close to everything you get in the book...this book
is packed and it's VERY good stuff.

Really, if you're TRULY serious about building strength and power, I don't even know
why you're still reading this...

Just go to their site, check it out and grab your copy now...


P.S. I liked this book so much that I offered them one of my own books, "Hybrid Training",
to use as a bonus for everybody who picks up a copy of theirs. No need to forward any'll be right there on the main download page!

Grab your copy of Deadlift Dynamite now...


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