Subject: If you take supplements, you need to know this...

If you want real, research-based information on supplements, there is one resource that stands head and shoulders above the rest...

...because that's ALL they do.

The resource is called and right now, to celebrate their sixth anniversary of operation, they're running a 40% off sale on their informational products.

And while they offer a TON of free information online...these products take things to a whole new level.

1.Stack Guides

Learn how to best combine different supplements to achieve different goals:

  • Testosterone Enhancement
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Gain & Exercise Performance
  • Mood and Depression
  • Heart Health
  • Sleep Quality
  • Insulin Sensitivity
  • Memory and Focus
  • Skin and Hair Quality
  • Libido and Sexual Enhancement
  • Liver Health
  • Allergies and Immunity
  • Bone Health
  • Joint Health
  • Vegetarianism/Veganism
  • Seniors
  • Anxiety


2. Supplement Goals Reference Guide

  • 300+ Supplements. We cover everything from 5-HTP and Aloe Vera all the way to Whey Protein and Zinc. We even cover supplements you may not have heard of, from 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (also known as DMAA) to Valerian. If you can supplement it, we have it covered.
  • 180+ Health Goals. You want to live a healthier life, and we will help you get there. Find out which supplements help you (and which hinder you) towards your goals.
  • 2,605 human studies. We've excluded animal and petri-dish studies, and only list human studies. You can rely on them being applicable to you, not rats.

With easy to use tables, all you need to do is simply search and click on whatever supplement or health goal you're interested in. Instantly, find supplements that work.

3. Examine Research Digest

The Research Digest is a peer reviewed monthly report of the most important supplement and nutrition research from the past 90 days.

I had them put one together especially for my readers, so you could see exactly what you'll get.

You can download that directly here.

(just fyi, it says 20% off in the sample, but it's actually 40% off right now!).


Bottom line, if you're interested in LEGITIMATE science-based information on supplements, I HIGHLY recommend you check out their site.

You can also see all their free supplement information here, to get an idea of what they do.

They're all about education...they don't sell any supplements at all. Pure, unbiased information.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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