Subject: If you like kettlebell training...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So if you like kettlebells, this might be a good program for you
to pick up.

Just got a note from my buddy Craig Ballantyne (of Turbulence
Training fame) that he's co-authored a new kettlebell version of
his TT program with a trainer by the name of Chris Lopez (who is
himself a kettlebell expert). I'll be honest, I don't know Chris
personally, but I've known Craig for years and he puts out
nothing but good stuff.

Now, I'll be the first to tell you, I haven't done a whole lot
with kettlebells myself. I do have one 25 lb kettlebell in my
basement gym that I use fairly regularly and quite like, though.

I guess I'm just used to more conventional training...

Yeah, I couldn't keep a straight face after typing that any more
than you probably could reading it ;)

Anyway, it's good info, especially if you've only got a KB or
two and want to really learn how to use them for fat loss.




Today is the last day to grab those training gifts I told you
about the other day. You've got until tonight at midnight then
the page comes down!
