Subject: If you get bloated after you eat, read this...[crazy pic inside]

One of the things I've noticed as I've gotten older is that I while I can still eat a TON, I can't digest food the way I used to when I was younger.

A big meal takes a LONG time to digest and it's really not a comfortable feeling.

Doesn't stop me from trying though... ;)

(and yes, I DO know how to unhinge my jaw)

The problem is the natural decline in digestive enzyme production as we get older.

It happens to EVERYBODY...just like it happened to ME.

Ask yourself this...

  • Are you eating more than 100 grams of protein per day… from shakes, supplements, and food…but you’re not making the gains you expect?
  • Do you ever feel bloated, gassy, and maybe even get the runs after drinking a protein shake?
  • Maybe you’ve been feeling “backed up” since upping the protein in your diet?
  • Do you want to increase the useable amount of protein in your body? I’m talking about protein that enters into your bloodstream and helps you grow bigger, stronger muscle fibers.

If you answered YES to any of these questions, read this...

Last week, I interviewed a guy by the name of Wade Lightheart. Wade is a legitimate expert in digestion and nutrition.

Wade is a champion natural bodybuilder, who won multiple titles competing as a vegan bodybuilder (which is NOT an easy thing to do).

I actually learned a TON about digestion in this interview.

We covered it in detail, including the mechanics of digestion, how food is processed, and how digestive enzymes and probiotics can dramatically improve the digestive process.

This was one of the most information-packed interviews I've ever done, to be quite honest.

I WAS going to send it to you as an audio MP3 file, but the audio somehow got messed up and it sounded terrible.

So I went one better and got the whole thing transcribed for you so that you could not only get all the information, you could very easily go back and re-read any parts of it that you want.

You can download the entire interview directly here.

The whole thing is about 23 pages long, in PDF format.

It's really fascinating stuff, and if you've ever been curious about the process of how the food you eat gets turned into the muscles you want to get bigger, you should absolutely take some time to read it.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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