Subject: If you eat food, read this...(it'll make you angry)

...or I should say, if you THINK you eat food...
because honestly, a lot of the stuff that we
eat today can barely be classified as food.

Most of the stuff you see at the grocery store is so packed
with additives and sweeteners and fillers that it just makes
me sick. shouldn't have an ingredients list that you
need a dictionary to figure out.

You try and eat healthy...but even the "healthy" stuff is
coated with garbage...

For example, think about this...know how you get a
headache when you walk down the detergent aisle at the
store? Well, those chemicals are floating around in there
24/7...and landing on the UNCOVERED fruits and
vegetables...and people still eat them unwashed without
a second thought!

What makes me most upset are the HIDDEN things that
are added to our food...with full permission from the FDA.
Toxic chemicals that have a "safety" limit on their use
should NOT be in our food...yet they ARE.

So here's the deal...if you want to KNOW what's in the
food you're eating...the toxic stuff that's building up in your
body with every bite you take, I've got a recommendation
that you need to look at.

The book is called "101 Toxic Food Ingredients"...put
together by a good friend of mine, Anthony Alayon.

This is a tremendous resource based on hard facts about
what we're putting into our bodies.

-- artificial sweeteners
-- food colorings
-- flavorings
-- thickeners
-- the list goes on...

You need to learn what this stuff is, what foods it's in and how
to avoid eating it be replacing those foods with similar
NON-adulterated ingredients.

Read more about the worst 101 Toxic Food Ingredients and
how to get RID of them from your diet here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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