Subject: If you HATE "normal" need to try this...(it's awesome)

It's Heavy Trap Bar Farmers Walks for cardio...

And it's SO much better than "normal" cardio, it's not
even funny...

The Farmers Walk is one of the BEST overall total-
body exercises you can do. And if you're not currently
doing them in some way, shape or form, you're really
missing out on tremendous strength, muscle and
conditioning benefits.

If you're not familiar with a Farmers Walk, you've
actually done them before and didn't even know it! The
concept is very simple. You're just carrying weight.
That's literally it.

Every time you carry a pair of dumbbells from the
dumbbell rack to where you're going to use them,
you're doing a Farmers Walk.

When you take this exercise and apply relatively
heavy weight to it, you work literally your ENTIRE
body...grip, back, traps, arms, shoulders, legs..and
yes, even your chest to some degree!

Farmers Walks can be done as a strength-focused
exercise, but personally, I like to use the exercise
as my cardio training, instead of mind-numbing

To do this type of heavy Farmers Walk training, I prefer
to use a Trap Bar . This is essentially a bar that goes
AROUND your legs. It's generally used for shrugs or
deadlifts, but it's PERFECT for Farmers Walks.

The one I have is open at the may also see
"hex" bars that have a complete "cage" around you as

You CAN use dumbbells or kettlebells or Farmers Walk
handles for this as well, but I like the stablization and
loading capacity you get with a trap bar.

I'm using 405 lbs in the demo...but don't start with that if
this is the first time you're trying the exercise. Begin
light, get familiar with the movement, then move up
from there.

The weight should be something you're comfortable
deadlifting relatively easily. I've gone as high as 455 lbs
on this Farmers Walk cardio training and that was
pushing the limits as breathing and the load bearing
down on you starts to limit the distance you can cover.

I'm also using grip assistance in the form of hooks for
this training so that grip strength didn't limit the
cardiovascular training I got.

It's not 100% necessary to use grip assistance but know
that not using will likely force you to use less weight or
go shorter distances.

That being said, your grip will obviously get a lot more
work without grip assistance! It just depends on what
your priority is...for me, in this case, it was cardio
training with maximum loading.

So first, deadlift the weight up.

Then start walking. Take SHORT steps that are fairly
close in line with each other, so you're not swinging the
weight side to side...(almost like a tight-rope walker in
concept...though not quite that close in).

On the other end, I'll set the bar down, turn around, then
come back.

Here's a straight-on view.

I recommend taking an "interval" approach with this
training, going for about 20 to 30 feet in one direction,
then turn around and come back. Then set the weight
down and rest about 30 seconds, then go again...just
like regular interval training.

This places tremendous demands not only on the
muscular system but your cardiovascular system as
well. Carrying heavy loads demands massive amounts
of oxygen, just like any other form of cardio.

I will then do this for a set period of time, e.g. 10 to 15
minutes straight.

THAT is how I do cardio...'s much more fun and challenging than sitting on a
bike and slogging away mindlessly. As well, this
sustained long-duration loading challenges the structures
in your body in a way that even "normal" weight training

Now, on a side note, I'm not suggesting you do this, but
to give you an idea of how far you can push this type of
training and the type of sustained loading I'm talking

I've also done this interval Farmers Walk training with
250 lbs on the bar...covering almost a just over
an hour. And believe me, I got an INCREDIBLE cardio
AND strength/endurance workout from it!

Next time you do cardio, forget the "standard"
approaches and try these interval Farmers Walks,
whether it be with a trap bar, dumbbells or kettlebells.
You'll either love them, hate them, or both!

And definitely check out the full video of this exercise in
action on my YouTube channel here
. It'll give you a much
better idea of the mechanics of the movement.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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