Subject: If carbs are an issue for you with fat loss, read these articles...

Carb intake can be a HUGE issue when you're trying to lose's not always obvious
what types of carbs you should be eating, how many to eat or if you should even eat
them at all.

From my experience, you absolutely SHOULD eat carbs...and then sometimes you
shouldn't. I prefer to strategically rotate them in and out of my diet, based on the
goals I have and the type of training I'm doing.

Now, if you really DO like carbs, there's nothing wrong with sticking with them. You
can definitely achieve the fat-loss results you want while eating carbs.

So what I've got for you here are a couple of articles that talk about which carbs to
avoid and which carbs are actually GOOD.

The #1 Worst Carb Ever (Don't Eat This)

Top 4 Carbs for a Flat Belly


P.S. Those 6 fitness gifts from myself and Will Brink, Hugo Rivera, Dave Ruel, Jeff Anderson, and
Anthony Alayon are all still available for the next 48 hours. Definitely worth grabbing!

  • 10 FREE Recipes That Taste Great & Build Massive Amounts Of Muscle
  • Time/Volume Training (mine)
  • The Perfect Rep
  • 5 Sneaky Tricks to Gain Weight Fast
  • 5 Sneaky Tricks to Killing Fat & Getting Abs
  • 1 Sneaky Trick to Triple Your Muscle Mass

(dang, that's like 11 sneaky tricks there ;)...

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