Subject: If I had chronic back pain, THIS is how I'd fix it...

I'll tell you straight up, I don't have chronic back pain. Sure, I get some from time to time, but it's nothing that really disrupts my life or training.

However, if YOU suffer from chronic back pain, you know it's something that can easily take over almost every aspect of your life.

Moving is painful...sitting still is painful...heck, even lying down can be painful.

And you've probably found that even RESTING your back doesn't do the might give you some temporary relief, but it doesn't address the root cause of your back pain.

That root cause of back pain is muscle imbalance.

Does this position look familiar?

Your posture while sitting is a BIG contributor to creating muscle imbalances that can lead to back pain.

However, there IS a solution to addressing those muscle imbalances...and it's very simple and easy to do...

All you need is the desire to end your pain, 8 simple movements, 16 minutes and the ability to follow easy directions...

Movement #1: Begins activating imbalanced muscles, preparing them for relief…

Movement #2: “Wakes up” dormant hip muscles and continues activating imbalanced muscles…

Movement #3: Now that your body is prepared, you feel an initial wave of relief wash over you as Movement #3 starts releasing your pain…

Movement #4: Continues flooding your lower back with newfound blood, oxygen and nutrients–you feel oddly energized…

Movement #5: Decompresses the lower back–clients often visibly exhale as years of pent up tension is released…

Movement #6: Aligns the whole body, restoring muscle balance along the entire spine in addition to your lower back…

Movement #7: Finishes stabilizing your spine, back, and hips in their natural, pain-free positions…

Movement #8: Gently compresses the spine to flush old blood out of your discs, then pull in new blood for even more healing, pain relief and recovery. (Clients faces soften and a smile crosses their lips as Movement #8 “locks in” healing)…

My Back Pain Coach

These simple movements are all found in a new program called "My Back Pain Coach" from Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Ian Hart.

And I'll be straight up with you...I don't know Ian personally. However, I HAVE read through his program in great detail and I LOVE the approach he's taken with treating back pain with movement.

This is exactly the approach I would take, if I were to spend the years delving into the specialized knowledge necessary to FIX back pain...not drugs, not surgery...movement.

It's clear to me from looking at the program that Ian has devoted a TON of time and passion to the subject...

...and the result is an EASY to follow program that can help you fix your back pain WITHOUT you having to wade through all the science, anatomy and biomechanics of the matter.

Just do these movements...and feel the relief.

Ian's program will guide you through it every step of the way.

If you want to fix your back pain PERMANENTLY, get "My Back Pain Coach" here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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