Subject: INSANE new way to do curls...crushes the grip and forearms, too

This one will light up your entire arm, basically...from your fingers all the way up to your shoulders.

I call it a Two Barbell Hammer Curl...because,'s what it looks like...

Two Barbell Hammer Curls For Brachialis and Forearms Left Top

I've got the full rundown on it here.


Get great flexibility in just 7 minutes?

There was a time when I could barely touch my toes..

It was when I was in my late teens and I literally was so inflexible it was laughable (yeah, they did actually laugh...).

I took it upon myself to do flexibilty work every single day and...within a few months of daily work... I managed to get to a pretty good place where I could set my palms onto the floor.

And then I quit working at it...

Luckily, I never got that super-stiff again, but I basically quit working at it because it was taking too much time.

What I didn't realize is that there IS a better way.

THIS is a better way.

It's a flexibility method put together by my friend and colleague, Logan Christopher, he calls Flow Stretching.

And you can stretch your whole body in just 7 MINUTES.

The benefits of improved flexibilty are tremendous...however, because the methods most people know about take so much TIME to see results, it's easy to leave it by the wayside and focus on other things.

I'm absolutely guilty of that.

Logan's Flow Stretching method is something that only takes a few minutes and hits basically every major muscle group in your body, giving the the benefits of total-body stretching in a fraction of the time that traditional methods do.

If you want to be more flexible, yet don't have the time to do it the "normal" slow way, you'll definitely want to have a look at this.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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