Subject: INSANE new upper-chest push-up for you to try... (seriously, it's nuts)

Honestly, sometimes even I wonder how I think of these things...

This exercise is a dynamic push-up that uses a "hybrid" methodology...i.e. multiple types and/or directions of resistance in an exercise, in this case vertical bodyweight and horizontal cable weight.

We're using this setup in order to target the upper chest very effectively, changing the angle of the shoulders while you're doing the exercise, while also better matching the strength curve of the push-up exercise (weaker at the bottom, stronger at the top).

Fair warning...this one requires a little setup, but it's a beast.

You're going to be doing a push-up with your hands set on top of an EZ bar that has a few small plates on it for "wheels". That EZ bar is going to be attached to a low pulley weight stack or a band to provide forward resistance.

First, put a couple of 5 or 10 pounds plates on an EZ bar and set it in front of the low pulley. I'm using an ankle harness looped around the bar and clipped to the cable. I also have a short length of chain to extend it, which is optional but it does make it easier to get into position.

Here's a close-up view.

If you don't have an ankle harness, you can simply loop the cable around the bar and clip it back onto itself (not pictured).

And if you don't have a low pulley cable machine, you can also use a training band for this exercise as well (which works GREAT as it increases tension as you move forward). To use a band, just hitch one end to a solid object then loop the other end over the bar.

Here's my recommended source for training bands, if you need some.

Once you've got it set up, the fun begins...

Brace your feet on something solid (e.g. the foot of the cable machine) and set your hands on the EZ bar, out pretty much as wide as you can, which is generally a good push-up position.

Have some weight set on the weight stack (start with a light weight until you know how much you can handle, then progress up from there).

Roll/push the bar forward and get into the top of the push-up position. You're already working the core and the upper chest and shoulders to some degree just in the start position.

Lower yourself until your chest touches the bar.

Now here is the key to the you push up, push the bar FORWARD.

This changes the angle of the arm at the shoulder, bringing in the fibers of the extreme upper chest as you perform the push-up. As well, the extended body position further increases the tension on your core.

Hold that position for a second, then lower yourself back down into the bottom of the push-up.

Roll the bar back down under your chest as you do so. The cable or band will be pulling in this direction, so it's your job to control that pull so it doesn't come back too fast.

Watch the video for this one...the still pictures don't do it justice.

When you see it in action, you'll get a much better understanding of how the exercise dymamically changes the resistance on the change, sweeping the tension from lower/middle chest to upper chest as you push yourself up.



Want to Learn More Hybrid Exercises Like This?

Hybrid Training is some of the best training you'll ever do. It's designed to better match strength curves and angles of pull for different muscle groups and exercises.

Literally, one Hybrid set is worth 2 or 3 normal sets in terms of muscle growth. This stuff is phenomenal.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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