Subject: INSANE improvement to the Decline Bench Curl...(this is NUTS)

So I mentioned the update to that bicep exercise (the Decline Bench Curl).

Well, I've actually got THREE things for you here today...that
update, a 50% off sale on Blue Star supplements, and a
"secret" about the Vince Gironda book I was talking about
last week.

1. Decline Bench Band and Dumbbell Curls

When I posted that exercise, I mentioned that it did have one
big weakness...and that was the complete loss of tension
once your elbows pass the 90 degree mark. It's one of the
problems of just relying on gravity with free weight exercises!

I've solved that problem by adding in a set of bands, attached
horizontally so that as you curl up and the dumbbell resistance
disappears, the band tension kicks in and lights up the
contraction of the biceps.

It's absolutely INSANE the level of tension and muscle
activation you get on the biceps with this one. My biceps
were literally jumping around in my skin as I was doing this one.

The pic shows you what it looks like at the top of the movement.
I've posted a full video to my YouTube channel so you can see
the whole thing in action as well. It's just nuts.

Decline Bench Band and Dumbbell Curls Video

2. BlueStar Supplements - 50% Off Sale Ends Tonight

Enter “50KICKBACK” when you check out and they’ll take
50% off Blade™ (for fat loss), Status™ (testosterone booster),
Power XD™ (creatine), and the brand new P.P.K.™ pre-
workout supplement.

I really like BlueStar's products. They're very high quality and
well-researched. Definitely a company you can trust.

3. Vince Gironda - Legend & Myth...Still Cheap

If you missed the sale on that book about Vince Gironda's training
techniques, exercises and nutritional secrets, you can actually
still get it for the sale price, 20% off.

The publisher, my friend Mike Westerdal of Critical Bench, was
at a wedding this weekend and didn't have a chance to change
up the price. He let me know it's fine to let YOU know that you
can still get it at the lower price.

The price will be going back up tonight late, so if you're interested
you've still got some time to grab it.

Get your 20% off on the Vince Gironda book here.

That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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