Subject: INSANE chest pump from this simple dumbbell exercise...

This is a simple one...done with just a dumbbell and a bench...and it a puts a MONSTER contraction on the chest.

If you're training with just free weight, it can be tough to find an exercise that really targets the inner pecs (and the peak contraction of the pecs). This one is all about hitting that peak contraction position that really targets the inner pec area.

This exercise gets around the problem of having no cable equipment by using just a dumbbell and a's all about how you position your body.

Lie on your side on the bench with your shoulder off the end, holding the dumbbell in one hand.

Hook your feet under the other end of the bench (bottom side leg in front, other leg in back) then set your non-working hand on the end of the bench to support your body.

Then, keeping your elbow slightly bent but LOCKED (this is not a curl!), you bring the dumbbell up and around in front of you until it's even with your other shoulder.

Hold that top position for a few seconds on each rep and SQUEEZE your pec.

Because you're lying on your side, you won't get much resistance at the bottom but you will get a HUGE contraction at the top.

Be sure to start out lighter than you think you'll need to with this one. I'm using a 35 lb dumbbell in the demo here. The leverage is not great but the effect on the chest IS.

Do all your reps on one side then switch over to your other side.

This one is great for carving up the chest - not a building exercise but a "definition" type of exercise (i.e. it's not going to burn fat directly from the chest but it will help improve the overall appearance of the pecs by helping fill out the inner area and increasing muscle density from that squeezing).


You'll find the video for this one, second one down on the page for my book "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

And as you probably know, I've currently got it on sale for 60% off the regular price...but not for long. That special price will expire on Sunday night at midnight.

This book is packed with 277 exercises, covering every major muscle group in your body...and all you need is just a couple of dumbbells, a barbell and a bench.

You'll never get bored or stagnant in the gym again!

Click here to get your copy of "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of" now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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