Subject: "INHUMAN levels of joint strength..."

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And when I say this is Ninja stuff, I mean REAL Ninja stuff... in the training techniques that were used by actual Ninjas to develop inhuman joint strength, movement capability and instantly-accessible explosive power.

This stuff is incredible and right up my alley. When my friend Ryan Murdock (who put this info together) set me up with access to the videos, I couldn't tear myself away from them.

It's mind-blowing stuff that I'm going to be incorporating into my own training methods. I'm a big fan of increasing connective tissue strength via heavy loading. This is a whole OTHER way to accomplish it.

I've known Ryan for about 15 years now...he's been through and done some absolutely amazing things and has trained and instructed Shinobi (a.k.a. Ninja) training for years.

And no, not "Ninja Warrior" training like the TV show...

This is the REAL thing.

You're not going to learn how to assassinate people, but you WILL learn the training techniques that allowed Ninjas to perform superhuman feats of strength, agility and durability like they were nothing.

You don't need any special equipment to do this stuff (well, just a broomstick for one of the components, that's it) and you can train it in the privacy of your own home.

I'll be straight up...these are "no frills" instructional videos. You're not getting highly-produced, fancy pants videos with special effects...what you're getting is absolutely INCREDIBLE training information that can transform your physique, durability and movement capabilities.

Really cool stuff.

Discover these Forbidden Fitness Secrets here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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