Subject: IMPORTANT...Got a quick favor to ask...(don't worry, it's easy!)

I'll keep this short and sweet...(and I think it's pretty cool).

I know a lot of people in the fitness, strength and fat-loss
industries (a LOT!)...but I don't know everybody.

So I'm in the process of compiling a directory/database
of all the best trainers and coaches that have an online

The purpose of this is to publish this information on my site
so that EVERYBODY has free access to it.

I'm going to post a database of names, websites, contact info,
training specialities, etc. so that if you've ever had a question
about who to turn to for advice on a specific topic or area (for
example, if you want to know more about weight training for
children or plyometrics or strengt training for athletes), there
will be experts in that field that you can go to directly for help.

And the quick favor I need from you is this...

I want you to reply to this email with a list of the trainers YOU
follow online and who you RESPECT in terms of knowledge
and expertise in their field...either via newsletters, blogs,
Facebook, name it.

All I need you to send is their name and website and/or
contact info
(essentially where you go to follow them). And
if you'd like to include info on their training specialty or any
other comments about what they do, that would be awesome,

(Note: if you're a trainer with an online presence, feel free to
submit yourself, too!)

Just hit "REPLY" right now and tell me who ya got!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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