Subject: I used to think workout finishers for fat loss were STUPID...until...

...I realized they CAN and DO serve a very
important purpose in a fat-loss program.

First though, let me give you a little background on what a
workout finisher is.

A workout finisher is a short but intense sequence of bodyweight
or free weight exercises used instead of "normal" cardio training
(which is boring, let's face it) or interval training (which can
sometimes be too leg-focused and lead to burnout).

It's essentially a way to get even more metabolic bang for your
buck in each workout you do by increasing overall workload
and finishing with high intensity for longer "afterburn."

Now, as you can imagine, these workout finishers are done at
the end of your workouts.

And this is why I USED to think they were stupid...

My thought was this...if your workout was well put together
in the first place, why would you need ADDITIONAL training
on top of that?

That would be overkill, right?

And honestly, the answer to that is still potentially yes. You do
still have to watch out for your overall recovery.

Here's what changed my mind about workout

  • A good workout finisher is total-body training that pushes
    you but shouldn't kill you.
  • You're covering every major muscle group using exercises
    that are fun and challenging...and I'm all about having fun
    in the gym!
  • You're using this short burst of activity INSTEAD of
    traditional cardio training, which I find to be rather boring
    (even interval training has it's limits)..
  • And you don't HAVE to use them at the end of every
    workout (just when you feel you need a little bit more)..

Cardio training does have it's place...don't get me wrong. However,
after delving into the idea of workout finishers a bit more, I can
absolutely see them being extremely useful.

Some Workout Finishers for you to try...

What I've got for you here today are a couple of workout finishers
from my friend Mike Whitfield.

He's the guy who managed to bring me around on the whole
"workout finisher" concept and he did it by putting together a
collection of these that really knocks it out of the park (which
he very imaginatively calls Workout Finishers 2.0 ;).

If you're currently training for fat loss, you'll want to take a crack
at these after your next workout.

Workout Finisher # 1 - The Burpee Combo Gauntlet

Workout Finisher # 2 - Metabolic Ladder 4 X 4

Enjoy and if you have any questions about these or the reasoning
behind them, definitely let me know.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Oh and before you ask if I would recommend them to be used
in addition to my own fat-loss program Metabolic Surge, the
answer is absolutely. You may not need them after every
workout (especially the Fat-Loss Circuit Training) but they would
be very effective for use after the Lactic Acid Training and
superset workouts.

You can learn more about Workout Finishers 2.0 here...

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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