Subject: I take this supplement 3 times a day...

It's a supplement that I never go without, because of how effective it is.

That supplement is called MassZymes and it's a powerful digestive enzyme supplement.

I've talked about this one many times in the past and the reason is WORKS.

I notice a BIG difference in my digestion when I take it (heck, I've even got my wife taking it now and she noticed a big difference with the very first capsule).

Right now, because of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you can get MassZymes for 20% off. The coupon code is already applied at checkout.


Why Do You Need Digestive Enzymes?

As we get older, our bodies make less and less digestive enzymes. Without adequate enzyme production, food is not broken down and absobed as efficiently.

It's actually a big reason why many people get acid reflux and acid overproduction.

As our enzyme levels decrease, our body is forced to find another way to break down food...and that means producing more acid.

With a good digestive enzyme supplement, you can address the acid reflux issue at the root cause rather than simply suppressing it.

For me, after I turned 40, I noticed a significant different in my digestion...I could still eat just as much as I used to when I was younger, but I couldn't digest it nearly as well.

I started taking MassZymes literally 2-3 times a day, every day (I even pack them in a little pill carrier when going out to dinner) soon after that and it's been a gamechanger for me.

If I don't take them, I get bloated and it takes me a lot longer to digest my food...and I know that that food is not getting broken down and absorbed nearly as well.

There are only a few "must have" supplements that I take in my regimen..."greens", fish oil, magnesium, and this.

Everything else is nice but optional. You have to take care of your health first, before your body will even WANT to build muscle and that means getting nutrients in.


Get 20% Off

Bottom line, you can get 20% off MassZymes right now using this link.

Give this stuff a try. I usually take 2 capsules before every meal and one with my post-workout protein shake to get it absorbed more efficiently.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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