Subject: I "squatted" 765 lbs using THIS... (pic inside)

Let me just clarify right off the bat...the 765 lbs was for 1/4 squats, not full squats (I wish!), which is why I put "squat" in quotes.

Here's what they looked like (no belt, no bar pad...just my special "grip" shirt to keep the bar from shifting):

Partial squats are one of my favorite techniques for developing connective tissue strength and training the high-threshold motor units of the nervous system. They're one of the highest-impact tools you have in the gym when used correctly and done safely and smartly.

If you decide to try something like this,

  • make sure you do them in a power rack so you can push directly off the rails instead of unracking and walking it back.
  • make sure the bar is rated to the loads you're using so it doesn't snap or bend (mine is rated to 1500 lbs).
  • put collars on so the plates don't slide off.
  • solidify your body into a solid block before lifting.
  • start with your normal 1 RM load to test first, then work up gradually from there as your body develops the connective tissue strength to withstand these loads.
  • instead of thinking about lifting the weight off the rails, think about pushing your feet down into and through the floor...this mental trick really flips the switch to unlock more nervous system drive.

I'll be posting a more in-depth look at the partial squat very soon here, too. It's one of my favorite exercises!


Now...the thing I most want to bring to your attention about this is that I actually felt pretty tired before my workout.

In fact, I was debating whether I should skip training that day or not.

I figured it was the perfect time to really test the new herbal pre-workout supplement I've been working with called "Hercules."

(I talked about this one a few days ago when I told you about the 15% off sale the maker was offering...the code is "2017").

This stuff didn't get me "cranked"...and it didn't trash my nervous system like most pre-workout supplements do.

It simply made me FEEL STRONGER and more motivated to I DID.

It allowed me tap into my own deep energy reserves rather than the fake hyper energy that caffeine/stimulant-based pre-workout supplements give you.

To be clear, this is something you don't necessarily need to take before every can save it for when you need an extra kick in the butt or when you're about to test your strength with a max lift or challenge workout.

It can give you the boost you need to really maximize your performance and get your head in the game for a tough lift.

Normally, I can't stand pre-workout supplements...most of them are crap. This one is excellent and absolutely worth testing out.

Read more about Hercules Pre-Workout Formula here...and use coupon code "2017" to get 15% off your order.


Get Yours NOW While It's On Sale for 15% Off

Right now, the company that makes the formula (Lost Empire Herbs) is running an end-of-the-year sale until this Sunday night. You can get 15% off EVERYTHING in their online store by using the coupon code "2017".

Read more about their full line of products and gifts and discounts offered during the sale here.

I've also tested and quite like a few of their other products, specifically targeted for naturally boosting your testosterone levels.

Pine Pollen

Tongkat Ali


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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