Subject: I put 5,000 miles on these shoes (before & after pics)...

These shoes outlasted EVERYTHING else I've ever used (by a long shot).

These are TerraFlex II shoes from Xero Shoes. One pair is the 5,000 mile pair and the other is a new pair I just got to replace them (it was time).

One guess which pair is the old pair :)...

And yes, there IS a point to me showing you a pair of my old shoes!

I want to show you how DURABLE these things are, even though they're "minimal" shoes (I'll tell you more about that below).

So right now, Xero Shoes is having a massive Labor Day sale on their new styles..

You can save 20%+ off on all of their new styles now through September 5th. Plus, earn an extra 5% off if you buy 2 or more new styles

This is the perfect time to test out this concept for yourself.

These are the shoes I wear daily for walking my dog (3-4 miles a day, every day) and just walking around in every day life.

Here's the difference in the tread on the bottom.


What are "Minimal" Shoes?

Most sneakers and athletic shoes that you buy at the store are padded up like crazy...with thick foam and other gimmicks to make you think you're getting the "latest technology."

Separating your feet from the ground with that much padding might feel good in some ways but from a practical standpoint, it's robbing you of the balance and foot strengthening effects of closer contact with the ground.

Xero Shoes aren't "barefoot" shoes (like those weird-looking finger shoes)...they're minimal shoes that let you actually feel the ground beneath your feet so your body can react more appropriately to the terrain.

My wife and I have both found this to be incredibly helpful, especially when hiking over rough can actually feel what your feet are on and balance accordingly rather than standing precariously on 2 inches of foam.

I have a bunch of pairs of Xero Shoes...the blue ones you see in all my training videos are the Prio style. I even have their winter boots, sandals, dress shoes and outdoor training shoes. My wife loves their dress boots.

These are literally the BEST shoes I've ever owned.

And as I mentioned above, Xero is having a sale on their new styles right can get 20% off on a single pair, with an additional 5% off if you buy 2 or more.


How to get an additional 5-10% CASH BACK on your purchase (if you want it!)...

Xero Shoes is a store in my Fitness Buyers Group (like Rakuten but for fitness stuff).

If you've purchased any of my books in the past, you've already got a free account! It's where your downloads are available at any time.

If you haven't, you can learn more and sign up for a free account here.

When you click through this link (or the Xero Shoes link in the site), you'll automatically be eligible for 5% cash back.

If you have a Gold membership (available monthly or yearly), you'll get 10% back.

In this site, I offer cash back at more than 200 online fitness and supplement stores! It's a crazy good deal and I've literally given back THOUSANDS of dollars to people buying what they're already buying anyway.

If you have any questions about the Fitness Buyers Group and how this works, just hit reply to this email and let me know - I'll be happy to answer anything you'd like to know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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