Subject: I made a HUGE supplement mistake last night...[this will make you laugh]

Yep, it was a BIG mistake that I hope never to repeat in the wasn't pretty...but it was pretty funny ;)

I was taking my pre-workout Branch Chain Amino Acids (I use the BCAA supplement from my partners at Prograde...BCAA's are EXCELLENT for protecting muscle tissue when you're training for fat loss, when taken before training and in between meals so if you're cutting and want to maintain muscle, it's definitely worth taking).

So anyway, I apparently didn't drink enough water to wash down all the capsules completely and one got stuck in my esophagus. It was just a tickle back in my throat so I didn't think anything of it, figuring it would just work itself out.

Well, about 5 minutes later as I was just heading down to my basement for the workout...


I gagged then had a MASSIVE unexpected burp/cough and literally shotgunned a CLOUD of BCAA powder out my mouth and nose, landing all over the counter and in my dogs water dish.

It tasted absolutely HORRIBLE but I was laughing so hard I couldn't even compose myself to get a glass of water for probably a full minute...and you know how your sense of taste works partly through your nose? Not a blessing at that moment.

[On a side note, this reconfirmed to me the quality of Prograde supplements...the higher the quality an amino acid supplement is, the worse it's why powdered amino supplements aren't great to take in water...they have to be disguised with a LOT of extra flavor and/or they have to be lower quality. And the BCAA supplement I blew out my nose tasted absolutely revolting...that's why they put it in capsules!]

So anyway, the moral of the story is (and the big mistake I made was), always be sure and drink plenty of water when taking capsules with powder in them so they go all the way down or someday you'll pay for it. 20 years I've been taking supplements and that's the first time it happened.

I also wanted to add (and not to seem like I'm exploiting a funny story to recommend supplements to you but that's totally what I'm going to do here ;), Prograde has just released a new product called "Fusion".

It's a "weight loss" drink that isn't one of those lame "weight loss"'s got a good amount of protein (24 grams in a single serving) and very little sugar, along with other ingredients to help curb your hunger while dieting.

I haven't tried it myself yet but knowing how good their stuff is in general and how well it's backed up by research, I have no doubt it's effective. Definitely check out the link to see what it's all about.

Plus (and this is pretty cool), to celebrate the release of it, they've actually got ALL of their supplements on a 10% discount right now so you can pick up anything from them and get it cheaper. [Click here to get the discount code]


P.S. The funniest part of this is, I posted a note about my "cloud" on Facebook last night and at least FOUR other people told me they've done the exact same thing! Good to know I'm not alone :)

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