Subject: I changed my whole approach to eating after reading this...

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I've been at this training thing a long time (30+ years). And one of the most frequent questions I get is "how do YOU eat to build muscle and stay lean?"

And honestly, that was always a bit of struggle for me.

The way I was eating prior, I had a hard time staying lean while training for mass and strength.

I would rebound back and forth between bulking and cutting, because maintaining a constant level of leanness was something I couldn't seem to figure out.


This method changed everything about how I eat...

A few years back, I came across a method of eating that dramatically changed my approach... turned it upside down, in fact.

And it worked SO much better for me...the difference was astonishing.

It made my life so much easier AND it worked great for staying lean while building muscle and strength.

Because essentially, it turns the old "eat breakfast like a king" thing (that I used to believe) completely upside down.

You actually eat DINNER like a king...and eat breakfast like a pauper (and a small to moderate lunch, IF you eat lunch at all).

You start off eating a small, low-carb breakfast in the morning, increasing the carb content of your meals over the course of the day. Your evening meal is your HIGHEST carb meal.

It sounds like such a small thing...yet...


This was like a REVELATION to me when I first tried it...I absolutely loved it and I still eat like this to this very day (no joke).

The guy who introduced me to this approach is Nate Miyaki...nutrition expert and friend of mine.

He calls his approach the "Half Day Diet"...and let me just straight up tell you...this is something you NEED to try.

This is a system of eating that is PRACTICAL and easily maintainable for the long haul. It's not a fad diet or a rapid fat-loss system.

It's a LIFESTYLE...a way of eating that you can do for the long-term.

And it is literally exactly how I eat (when I'm not on a program that requires a specific eating pattern).

So if you've been looking for a sustainable, new approach to your eating, this is something I can recommend without hesitation because I've been doing it myself for more then 6 years now.

Definitely go check it out...learn more about the Half Day Diet here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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P.S. I can't recommend this method highly enough. I'm not kidding when I say it completely changed my approach to eating. It's not often something is so paradigm-changing for me when it comes to training and nutrition and this definitely was.

Check out the Half Day Diet here...

