Subject: I added 40 pounds to my squat while dropping bodyfat with this diet...

This diet is actually what I'm doing right now myself.

In addition to seeing great gains on my squat, I've dropped 8 lbs of fat in the past 5 weeks (and I can eat whatever I want on the weekends).

Now, 8 pounds may not sound like much but here's the's NOT water weight. This is 100% fat.

And having added 40 pounds to my squat while leaning out...I'd say that's effective.


What diet is this?

It's my Starting Monday Diet

And it can do this for YOU, too.

Because not only does it work like a charm for dropping fat while keeping muscle and strength, it allows you to maintain a social life by loosening up on the weekends (strategically).

We both know weekends are where diets are most often broken.

This approach not only takes that into account, it REQUIRES you to eat more freely on the weekends.


To me, this is the PERECT diet.

It's the most effective dietary strategy I've ever followed. It makes it easy to lose fat while keep your social life and your sanity.

If you haven't tried or seen it yet, click here.

This is exactly what you need to make 2023 your year for getting ripped.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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