Subject: How to win free muscle-building coaching from me...

NOTE: If you want to build muscle, this is one of the most
important emails I'll ever send you.

During a few 14-16 hour days in January, I worked tirelessly with
Dr. Kareem Samhouri, learning about new pathways to build muscle,
utilize Physical Therapy techniques to work muscles dynamically in
breakthrough ways, and add mass quickly. The coolest part about
his master-level certification is that it was 100% interactive and

Basically, we discussed the aspects of my muscle building programs
that we believe have led to them being some of the most effective
in the world; then, we applied extremely high-level knowledge
about the human body, learned why everything was working, and
tweaked each set/exercise to improve. Since then, I've incorporated
much of what I've learned into my own training program, and the
results are absolutely off the charts.

Now, with all humility intended, I know a thing or two about
building wouldn't know from this picture below that
I'm technically an ectomorph. It's taken me 20+ years to develop
the knowledge to get results like this.

And I can tell you, no matter where you look, or what you've read,
you've never heard anything like the information we have to share
with you.

As someone who is obsessed with working out, and who reads
everything there is to know on building muscle, I was shocked to
see how much more was possible. Plain and simple, we've built
the best muscle coaching program on the planet -- we looked at
the rest, and we specifically designed this to be significantly better
than anything we've found.

Dr. Kareem and I have worked together to combine forces and
design a coaching program that takes into account what I know
about building muscle and layer it with his knowledge about joint
health, posture, and the systems of the human body. When you
put us together, you get a program that accomplishes:

1. Faster results
2. More 'athletic' muscle
3. Plateau avoidance

Building muscle is both simple and hard. Work your tail off, love
every moment of it while you push your body to new levels, and
then enjoy the outcome. Since you're going to be hitting it hard
anyway, why not get the fastest, most balanced, and best results

Join us with 3-on-1 Master Muscle Coaching -- This is the
most ridiculously good offer you've ever seen.

Click that link to enter -- it takes 2 minutes and you might win
more than $1700 worth of professional coaching FREE.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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