Subject: How to use "within-workout" variety to burn fat faster...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, got a very quick one here for's a free report from
my friend and fellow Canadian, Scott Tousignant.

It's a quick 10 page PDF report on how to best use
"within-workout" variety to get better results with your
training, whether your goal is fat-loss or muscle-building.

If you're an advanced trainer, you're probably going to be
familiar with the concepts already but if you're just starting
out in your training career or if you've been training awhile but
would like some more good info to help push your progress, this
is definitely a good one to pick up.

You can grab it directly here - no opt-in required! (right-click
on the link and choose "save target as" to download):



P.S. if you missed the ab exercise I posted a few days ago (the
Swiss Ball Roll-Up for Lower Abs), you can have a look at that here:

This is one of my favorite lower-ab GREAT
without putting torque on the lower back.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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