Subject: How to use "Microperiodization" to build muscle and strength...[training outline]

So yesterday, I talked about a new muscle and strength program called D.U.P. (Daily Undulating Periodization).

Today, I wanted to give you a bit more of a detailed rundown on what this type of training actually entails (going to do it backwards...easier to explain that way).

First, let's talk Periodization...

In traditional training programs, Periodization means taking a block of weeks or months to focus on a specific rep-range or aspect of strength or performence.

For example, you might do 3 weeks of endurance training (15+ reps), then 3 weeks of hypertrophy training (8-12 reps), then 3 weeks of strength training at 2 to 4 reps per set),.

In my experience, even though this is a "standard" method of training, it's horribly inefficient.

Much of the progress you make during one phase is lost in the next phase because you're training an entirely different aspect of performance. By the time you peak in one phase, you've lost a good portion of what you've worked for in the previous phase.

I prefer an apporach called "Microperiodization"...

The concept is right along the same lines as Periodization, only with the changes made in a SINGLE WEEK, not over the course of months. This way you don't lose the gains you've rotate through different aspects of performance much quicker and maintain results.

If you've used any of my programs, you're probably familiar with this concept already, even if you might not know it by that name. I like to program higher rep ranges earlier in the week, moderate in the middle of the week, and low towards the end of the week.

For example,

Monday - 12-15 reps
Wednesday - 8-10 reps
Friday - 3-5 reps

Daily Undulating Periodization is essentially this exact same concept, only with a different name.

You can work this type of microperiodized approach into your own training very easily by changing up rep ranges. What D.U.P. does is systematize it FOR you so that there's no guesswork involved.

You'll already have what two experienced strength coaches have determined to be the best framework for overall strength and mass gains.


Now let's talk "Undulating"...

While this can also refer to the "microperiodized" approach (in terms of changing rep ranges during the week), it can also refer to changing rep-ranges, training volume (# of sets) AND rest periods over the course of time.

Using the example above as Week 1, you might then have Week 2 be something like

Monday - 10-13 reps (plus 1 more set this week)
Wednesday - 6-8 reps (plus 1 more set)
Friday - 2-4 reps (plus 1 more set)

And the rest periods might change as well...

The method I like to use is purposeful overtraining by simultaneously increasing the number of sets you're doing while also decreasing rest periods.

So on Week 1 on Monday, you might be taking 2 minutes rest. On Week 2, 90 seconds rest, then on Week 3, 60 seconds rest (with more sets).

This increases the overall workload of your training, gradually moving you into "over-reaching" (also known as overtraining).

THAT is the "magic" time where your body is working hard to keep up with the increasing demands you're placing on it and the muscle piles on like crazy....until it doesn't...and then you have to back off.

This is where "undulation" further comes into back off on training volume, you increase rest periods and you increase the intensity of the loads (i.e. higher % of 1RM).

And your STRENGTH will jump up FAST.

D.U.P. does incorporate "over-reaching" into the program...and it's going to help you SHATTER plateaus you've hit in your strength levels...even if you've had them for years.


Now let's talk "Daily"...

In the D.U.P. program, workouts change'll never do the same thing twice in a week or training block.

Don't let that fool you into thinking this is some stupid "muscle confusion" approach, though, because it's NOT.

To build REAL sterngth, you absolutely DO need consistency in terms of exercise selection, otherwise your body has no idea what you want it to adapt to. D.U.P. does stick with the basics in that department and it's the right approach.

"Muscle confusion" is great for fat-loss, but it does NOT work for building strength or muscle mass.

This is the approach I take in my own programs as well.

Because even though I have a TON of exercises and variations, when it comes to building muscle and strength, I know what works...and that's consistency. It can be consistency with cool, new exercise...but it still has to be consistency.

If you've used my Muscle Explosion program and have been through Week 2 (structural overload training), you'll know what I mean by consistency...that week has you doing ONE exercise for 5 days in a row, for about 200 total sets. It's brutal and it WORKS.


The bottom line with "Microperiodization" and D.U.P.

This is a training approach based on GOOD SCIENCE. This stuff works and it's been proven for years..

Personally, I've been using this approach myself literally for DECADES...I started doing it my very first year of training... and it helped me gain more than 75 POUNDS of bodyweight with pretty much NO plateaus.

So yeah, this is definitely a program I can get behind. It's right along the lines of what I know works...and it WILL work for YOU.

Info on the D.U.P. Program.

1. It was created by Mike Samuels and Jason Maxwell, two very respected strength coaches and athletes. And I'll be straight up with you...I don't know these guys personally...they're not my "buddies"... ;).

However, their program really speaks for itself. After reading through it, I could see the logic behind it and, based on my own experience with similar methods, I can tell just how effective their approach is.

This stuff is GOLD.

And it's going to give you an education on what it really takes to build muscle and strength for the long haul.

Here are some success stories of guys who are using the D.U.P. Method.

2. This week, Mike and Jason are launching the program online, so they've put it on sale for a REAL 70% off.

3. Jason and Mike have added another bonus for anyone who picks up the DUP Method before tonight at midnight.When you pick up the program TODAY, you'll also get their Customization Guide

It gives you the step by step plan for creating a DUP lifting plan tailored to your own body.

I know you're unique. You may like some exercises better than others...and you need to have a program more tailored to what you want to accomplish.

4. If you have any questions about the program, let me know.

If you want to get BIG and STRONG, this is a program that I can recommend very highly!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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