Subject: How to upgrade your Testosterone...with training, eating and lifestyle...

TRT is a big topic with men these days...

That stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, if you're not familiar with it.

Now, TRT can be a good option for some guys, depending on the exact situation.

Personally, I'd MUCH rather focus on what I can do naturally via training, eating and lifestyle to maximize testosterone levels.

You really CAN get your levels up without TRT and reap many of the benefits without subjecting yourself to the potential risks (cardiac events being one of them).

  • ...better energy
  • ...more drive
  • ...faster recovery
  • muscle and strength more efficiently
  • ...keep bodyfat levels down

The list goes on.


So What ARE Those Methods for Upgrading Your Testosterone Naturally?

Here are just a few off the top of my head..

1. Get better sleep.

2. Don't be afraid of eating saturated fat and cholesterol (your body NEEDS those to produce testosterone).

3. Train intensely with heavy weights, getting into deep squatting positions (either via squats, leg press, deadlifts, split squats, etc.).

4. Check for estrongenizing ingredients in your soap and shampoo (your body absorbs those through your skin).

These are just scratching the surface of what you can do.


Even friend Logan Christopher has put together a KILLER book of methods that he calls "Upgrade Your Testosterone."

I've known Logan for years...he's crazy with his training just like me (in some ways even more so, if you can believe that!).

In this book, he details EVERYTHING he knows and has learned about methods for improving testosterone levels naturally.

There's some really eye-opening stuff in it...some things I was already familiar with and a lot that I wasn't.

This stuff is GOLD if you're interested in avoiding TRT but still want to maximize your T levels.

And for the next few days, he's going to give you $20 off the book... just use coupon code MADSCIENTIST20 when you check out.

Click here to check it out now...


Age is not a disease...

However, things do naturally tend to decrease as we get older. That's just how it works.

But you CAN absolutely fight it all the way.

This book, "Upgrade Your Testosterone," is ideal for men over 40 (and into the 50's, 60's and beyond), but it has some amazing info for younger guys who want to protect their testosterone levels, too.

Younger guys are generally starting at a lower baseline T level than their fathers and grandfathers these days...but it doesn't have to be that way.

Get the full info and "Upgrade Your Testosterone" here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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