Subject: How to make your BRAIN "anabolic"...

This is a cool concept...making your brain "anabolic" means building back brain cells to help you sharpen your memory and focus.

The process of building muscle is anabolic... and the same principle can potentially apply to your brain.

If you give it the right tools and nutrients, it can get stronger, sharper, and more focused.

In groundbreaking research from the University of Wisconsin, they found that neuronal cells that were exposed to just a single ‘dose’ of the hormone androstenolone saw a 29% increase in NEW brain cells.

It does this by asking healthy, sharp brain cells to replicate.

These cells then multiply (hence the "anabolic").

And there IS a way to naturally boost your body's production of androstenolone and achieve that "anabolic brain," espcially as you age.

This "anabolic brain" helps to ensure your thinking is crystal clear, your memory is sharp, and your focus is unbreakable.

Unlock your brain’s true potential and discover how to protect it from the negative effects of aging here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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