Subject: How to make Keto BETTER...

Especially if you're over 40.

Because honestly, just like any diet, it'll work but it won't work forever.

And when you reach the magical age of 40 (I'm 46 myself, so I can attest to this), things change in your metabolism.

What worked when you were in your 20's and 30's doesn't necessarily work as well when you're in your 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.


So specifically regarding the Keto Diet...

Does it work? Absolutely.

Does it have issues? Absolutely.

The Keto Diet, while effective, is extremely restrictive, due to the nature of the diet. That's just how it works.

Also, if you stay on it too long, your will experience metabolic slowdown. This is true of any reduced-calorie diet, but in my experience, it happens faster when you take the carbs out.

My personal preference is a dietary approach that takes advantage of the benefits of ketosis while also keeping you from hitting the metabolic slowdown that can happen when you stay on it too long.

That's why I really like THIS nutrient-rotation approach.

It's actually similar in concept to the dietary plan I'm following right now, strategically rotating through various conmbinations of nutrients to deliver you the benefits of the Keto Diet without the drawbacks.

If you're over 40 and either on Keto already or are thinking about trying it out, this is worth checking out.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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