Subject: How to lose 5-10 lbs by next Wednesday...

I think you're going to like this...

My friend and colleague Chad Tackett is looking for people who want to (safely) lose 5 – 10 lbs by May 13th.

His system targets fat-loss at an "epi-genetic" level, meaning using targeted training and eating to help your body "re-program" your fat-burning genes.

Now, it's true we can't change our ACTUAL genetic code (our DNA)...think of that as your computer "hardware".

What we DO have some control over is the "software" our bodies function. Like software, that can be changed. And that "software" is known as epi-genetics, which is what his program focuses on.

Chad is is the creator of the Fast Track to Fat Loss of the FIRST fitness and fat-loss programs on the Internet. Heck, he's actually been online even longer than me and I'm a dinosaur :).

He's tested and perfected this approach for the past 15 years...and now YOU have a chance to benefit from it as well.

Click the link below to get started...

YES, I want to lose 5 – 10 lbs by next Wednesday.

And just so you know up front, there is a small charge (7 bucks) that includes a TON of stuff...the full program, actual REAL training equipment shipped to your door, workout videos, online support community, recipes and a chance to win a vacation to Mexico.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
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