Subject: How to "kill" your fat...the #1 rule to follow

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, got a good video presention here for you from the same guy,
Anthony Alayon, who brought you those free reports I sent along
the other day (link at the bottom, if you didn't get those).

I just watched the presentation myself a few minutes ago and it's
got some really good fat-loss nutrition info it. Anthony's #1
dietary rule for fat loss is right on the money (you'll find out
exactly what it is a few minutes into the presentation) - it's a
principle I use in my own fat-loss programs.

If you're just starting out in training and are looking for
quality "starter" info this will be a good match for you. If
you've been training awhile, this might be stuff you're already
familiar with, but if you're more of a beginner and want some
good advice that WORKS, it's well worth taking a few minutes and
listening in.

Check it out here:



P.S. You can still pick up Anthony's free gifts here, too:


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