Subject: How to hit 50% harder in a matter of WEEKS...

How is it possible to rapidly increase your striking power by 50% (or more!) in only a few weeks?

Great question.

Even better question though...

What difference would it make to your martial arts if you were able to rapidly improve your whole-body striking power in just a few weeks?

Here's how it works...


Force = Mass x Acceleration

You might remember this equation from physics, but what does it mean in the context of striking power?

In order to increase force, you have to maximize both mass and acceleration...

...and there are training techniques that can help you do that.


1. Increasing Available Mass

There are specific exercises and drills that connect the body through the fascia (the tough connective tissue that encases just about everything in the body and holds it together like a bunch of thick pillowcases).

These exercises strengthen, thicken, and condition the connective tissue in the body so that you can add more connected body mass to your strikes.

The more tissue that can be recruited in a strike, the more mass goes into the right side of that equation.  

And that means more force coming out the end of the strike.

It's like punching with just your arm (which is really just a smack) versus punching with your entire bodyweight (which drives your bodyweight through the target on the other end).

You KNOW what's going to be more effective...and these exercises help you transfer more mass through your strikes.


2. Increasing Acceleration

The faster that mass can be accelerated (through looseness and relaxation and not tension), the more acceleration goes into the right side of the equation.

More force is produced... and you're hitting FASTER and with upwards of 50% more power.


THAT is the beauty of these methods...

And you can get the full rundown on the specific exercises and drills that will train you to hit 50% harder here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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