Subject: How to heal a bad back...

If you have a bad back, it can dominate your entire life...everything you do is based on whether it's going to hurt your back or not.

For me, I'm lucky in that I don't have any back pain to speak of...but I've seen how debilitating it can be in other people.

I'm not an expert in the subject...and when I'm not, I want to send you to somebody who IS. His name is Ian Hart, and his program is called "My Back Pain Coach"

Ian's program can achieve results like just a few minutes a day.

If you suffer with back pain, this is something you'll want to check out.

The method utilizes just 8 simple movements that "unlock" the back so that you get the healing circulation to the area that you need to feel better.

And this is not just temporary relief...this about really HEALING the back, so you don't have to deal with back pain for the rest of your life.

Learn more about "My Back Pain Coach" here

(The link goes to a video presentation, but you can read a printed version as well, if you prefer...there's a link on the page by the video).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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