Subject: How to get your "T" levels higher than a 20 year old...
Now, most people think low testosterone just happens due to aging... and that it's just something we have to deal with as men.If you want to be "average"...sure, you can accept that fate. However, you DON'T have to. This graph shows a scatterplot of testosterone levels of men ranging from 20 years old to 90+ years old. Each dot represents one individual man. Look at the guys in the blue circle... They actually have HIGHER testosterone levels than almost HALF of the 20 year old men tested. Heck, there are even men in their 80's that have higher levels than some 20 year olds...
Now...while age can certainly be a big factor, with changes to lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation, you CAN turn it around.Having low testosterone, can lead to a multitude of negative (and sometimes embarassing) effects on your body including...
In today's polluted world, we have a lot working against us.... attacking our health and hormones.There are so many hormone-disrupting chemicals and environmental estrogens bombarding us all the time. It's no wonder testosterone levels are plummeting in men these days. We come into contact with these chemicals daily in things like plastics, soap, shampoo, air pollution, non-organic produce (pesticides), electronics, building materials and so much more.