Subject: How to get to 5% bodyfat...

It's not easy...I'll tell you that right up front.

I've been there before.

It's tough to achieve but it's an awesome feeling to be able to see cross-striations in your triceps...veins popping out in your lower abs...

I actually got to the point where you could see the dividing line between my upper and middle pecs without even flexing...just nasty lean.

So how do you do it?

You start here.

That link will take you to an "underground" fat loss manual from a excellent trainer I know by the name of Matt Marshall.

He doesn't work with celebrities or big-name athletes, or anything like that (and yes, it IS true what he says about his book being banned by Amazon.)

I will tell you right up front, I've read through the entire book and there is a lot of very controversial advice in it (nothing illegal, but it does push the envelope... for example, chewing nicotine gum for fat loss is one of the techniques to get shredded in his book).

However, what I like about this book is that it turns a lot of conventional advice about getting shredded completely on it's ear...

...and Matt backs it up with research and experience.

I'm all about unconventional approaches to training...building muscle and strength and losing fat. I'm sure you know that already.

And when I first read the web page for his book, I was initially very skeptical. It seemed too good to be true.

Then I read it...and I was impressed. This is some seriously good stuff.

Check it out can put this info to work and start seeing results immediately.

And if you're already on a fat-loss program, you can incorporate some of his techniques into what you're already doing to get even BETTER results.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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