Subject: How to get the most out of your creatine...

Creatine Monohydrate...if you're serious about building muscle and strength, I would consider it to be a staple supplement you should be taking.

Personally, I've been taking it for more than 23 years (off and on) and it's always been a winner for me.

Here's the thing, though...

It does have issues...

The first problem is absoprtion/digestion.

One of the reasons creatine sometimes gets a bad rap is that many people simply can't tolerate it very well...they get bloated, gassed up, and have stomach upset.

The easiest way to fix that is actually incredibly simple...mix it in hot water (just tap water hot - doesn't have to be boiling) and stir it until the powder dissolves and the glass is clear. When it's dissolved like this, it will get processed much more easily by your digestive system.

That's it. VERY simple...and it's how EVERYBODY should be taking their creatine, regardless of whether you're sensitive to it or not.

The second problem is simple carbs.

If you're familiar with the history of creatine, you know that the first "assisted" creatine product was loaded with dextrose (a very high-glycemic simple sugar). The purpose of this was to elicit an insulin spike to help increase creatine delivery into the muscle cells.

And yes, it DOES work...however to get enough of an insulin spike to have an effect, you have to take in a LOT of that sugar (upwards of 60 to 80 grams to get a maximum spike, depending on bodyweight).

I'm not a fan of taking in that much sugar, especially since I take a dose of creatine pre-workout (and one post-workout). That insulin spike would just KILL your Growth Hormone levels.

Therefore, I prefer to take creatine on it's own...straight up. And it works for me, though I do end having to take a fair bit to get an effect because of the decreased absorption.

The third problem is scams.

The monohydrate version is the only version proven in research study after research study. Yet that doesn't stop companies from creating "new and improved" versions of creatine to try and differentiate themselves.

I've tried a LOT of these products...(the worst was this nasty orange-flavored "gel", was that stuff bad)....and I always come back to plain and simple creatine monohydrate.

Heck, I even tried a stupid creatine "precursor" product that was supposed to prevent a slowdown in your body's own production of creatine (didn't work).

Here's a new approach to creatine absorption...

Instead of using simple sugars to get the insulin spike, there are other non-sugar supplements that can be used in conjunction with creatine in order to increase absoption.


1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an all-natural herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It activates the insulin receptors to efficiently shuttle creatine into your muscles without simple carbohydrates.

2. Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid that can act as a transporter of creatine due to its effect on insulin response and glucose uptake.


Taking these two ingredients along with creatine can increase absorption into your muscle cells, helping you get more out of the creatine you're taking.

I've been testing a product based on these two additional supplements, paired with a very high quality creatine monohydrate powder and the results have been impressive.

As I mentioned above, I've been taking creatine for a LONG time...I can gauge my response to a creatine product pretty well.

This combination has been very effective for me. Taking it pre-workout gives me a nice boost in energy and strength without making be bloated or filling me up with sugar. I take another serving post-workout.

The product is called "Enhanced Creatine Formula" from Hyperion Strength.

(my quality control expert at work)

The name is not creative...(I've told the owner that ;), but the product is VERY good.

Now bottom line, if you're already taking creatine and you're happy with your results, you don't necessarily need to switch to this one. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


- If you find you get bloated when you take your creatine...

- If you get digestive issues...

- If your creatine doesn't fully dissolve in hot water (if it doesn't dissolve, you've got low-quality creatine)

- If you like the increased absorption of taking it with sugar but don't like the sugar (especially if you're try to eat low-carb or Paleo).

- Or if you'd just like to try a new approach to creatine to see if it works better for you.

This is a product I can highly recommend.

I've been using it for about a month now myself and I'm very happy with it.

The creatine monohydrate included is VERY high quality, micronized creatine and the fenugreek and taurine come in a separate capsule so you can control your intake of it and make sure you're getting an effective dose.

If you'd like to learn more about it and give it a try, here's the link to the site you can get it from.

For me, I'm not a big "muscle supplement" guy...I've seen and tried too much garbage over my 23+ years of training. I don't add new stuff into my routine very readily beyond the basics.

This is an excellent version of what I consider to be a staple supplement and is definitely a product that I'll be using.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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