Subject: How to get my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program for free...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, I'll keep this short and sweet. Tonight at midnight, my
friend John Romaniello's program "Final Phase Fat Loss 2.0" is
going to be going on sale.

I've got a copy of it and it's excellent stuff - the workouts and
the hormonal-based training program is right in line with what I
know works and works very well, especially for getting rid of
those last pockets of stubborn fat:

- Love Handles: insulin
- Lower Body Fat: estrogen
- Tricep Fat: most likely testosterone
- Belly Fat: cortisol

His program addresses all these hormonal-based fat-loss issues,
through training and nutrition and tells you exactly how and why
each type of "attack" works.

So before that all happens tonight, I just wanted to let you
know, I'm going to be kicking in a copy of my own "Metabolic
Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program as a gift to those who purchase
the program through the link I'll provide in the email I send
about it.

Both my program and John's are very targeted in terms of
nutrition with training, and he has some different approaches
that I think are very valuable to learn and use.

I'll give you a more detailed rundown in the next email, but just
wanted to give you a heads-up on my Metabolic Surge bonus.


P.S. Of course, I couldn't give a teaser about a fat-loss program
without giving you some actual good info to read as well :)...

Fat-Loss Circuit Training

No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting

Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods...

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