Subject: How to get my "Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of" book for free...

So I've got something cool to add in here for you if you were considering picking up that "Bench for Reps"
program I mentioned in my earlier email. If benching for reps is a major goal of yours, this is a program
you'll definitely want to pick up.

Get it through one of the links in this email and then forward your receipt to and
I'll send you a free copy of my book "The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...53 of my
most unique and effective chest exercises in it...some really cool stuff and a nice addition to the bench
press program (if you've already picked up the program earlier, same deal - just send in your receipt).

Also, Mike and Chandler, the creators of the Bench For Reps program have decided to put on a
contest where you can not only increase your bench press, but win over $400 in prizes in the process.

And just fyi, this will only be up until midnight tonight. Basically here is how it will work...

1. Pick up a copy of the Bench for Reps program by clicking here.

2. Follow the program for 8 weeks.

3. If you bench your bodyweight more times than Chandler (25-reps) you get the two tshirts (shown
on the site). And if you bench your bodyweight more than anyone who enters the contest you'll win
the $400 prize package below!

  • 1 Bottle of Jacked Up Testosterone Booster from AS Research
  • 1 Bottle of Hyper Gain Creatine from AS Research
  • A 2lb Jug of IsoFuel Protein from AS Research
  • The Bench for Reps Champ tshirt
  • A Cock-Strong TShirt from Chandler
  • PLUS $250 of Hard Cold Cash

To learn more about the Bench For Reps Test from Mike and Chandler click here now.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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