Subject: How to get free protein powder...(top quality source)

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First off, there are a number of really good protein powders out there...

Unfortunately, there are even more TERRIBLE protein powders out there. I've tried a TON of them over my 30+ years of training.

One of the best that I use and recommend is from Biotrust Nutrition.


And there are a number of reasons for this...

1. I know the owners of the company peresonally and I trust them to put out an extremely high-quality product. This stuff is for real.

2. It tastes GREAT. My favorite is the chocolate one, though vanilla is also quite good, especially if you like to mix other stuff in there with it. I've tried a few of their other flavors but I always come back to chocolate.

3. No artificial flavors or additives.

4. They source from grass-fed cows.

5. It's a protein BLEND rather than straight whey or casein. I prefer a protein blend for my protein as I like having both the fast and slow absorbing proteins in one shot.

6. It's not stuffed with cheap garbage filler.

7. Contains a protein-digesting enzyme in the formula so you get optimal absorption without the potentially nasty side effects (like gas and bloating) you get in cheap protein.

8. Did I mention it tastes awesome? For me personally, I don't mind if something doesn't taste great as long as it works. That's not the case with this stuff. The chocolate flavor is like having dessert, which is especially good when you're on a low-carb diet (and this stuff IS low-carb).


How do I use it for maximum cost effectiveness?

Now naturally, you don't HAVE to use a protein supplement. You can get plenty of overall protein from food. I use it for the convenience and the ease of digestion after a workout.

THAT is when I recommend you take this stuff to maximize the cost/benefit.

I only take protein supplements immediately post-workout.

The nice thing about this one as a post-workout protein, is that being a blend you get fast digestion of the whey isolate then slower digestion of the casein, for a more sustained drip of aminos into your system.

If you take just whey isolate, it can blast through your system fast and be gone too fast. In addition, it actually even result in an insulin response, similar to sugar.

I take one serving (2 scoops) of this within a few minutes of finishing training. With 14 servings in a container, that's 14 workouts, which for me is just a bit shy of a month of training.

This isn't a cheap protein powder but to me, it's worth it. I can actually notice a difference in my recovery compared to when I've tried other proteins to test them out.


You Can Try it for FREE...

One of the nice things about knowing the owners of the company is that I can hook you up with a free trial-size container to test out. This is 150 grams, so not full-size but enough to give you an idea of the quality.

Naturally, they'll ask you to cover shipping, but it's nominal.

The Bottom Line...

Do you NEED to take protein? Nope.

Do you need to take this brand in order to get results in the gym? Nope.

However, if you DO want to take protein and you DO want an extremely high-quality one that helps you get the results you want (and tastes great on top of it all), I definitely recommend you give this one a try.

Their marketing is more geared towards the "everyday" person and not bodybuilders, FYI, but in my experience, their product is much better than the stuff put out by most bodybuilding supplement companies that are more interested in putting out a hyped-up, but mediocre or bad, product in order to get your money.

Get your free container of Biotrust protein here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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