Subject: How to get a better butt FAST!

Want to turn heads when you're walking down the street? How about just feeling more confident in yourself and filling out your jeans? Maybe athletic performance is important to you...

Well, you CAN build those larger, firmer, rounder glutes you want (and improve your athletic performance at the same time!) and you can do it FAST with the right targeted training.

Being the Mad Scientist that I am, I've put my mind to work on the problem of building the GLUTES...and building them when NOTHING else seems to work!

The book I've written about it is called "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!", and in it you're going to learn:

  • How unique, properly-targeted exercises, programs and nutritional techniques can literally BLAST inches onto your glutes within WEEKS, not months.
  • The physiological and anatomical reasons why your glutes stay small and/or flat and what you can do to SHATTER those genetic limitations.
  • How training the glutes only a few minutes a day can build your butt FAST. If you've got just a few minutes a day to spare, you CAN get the results you want.

"Gluteus to the Maximus" is a one-of-a-kind book packed FULL of extremely powerful programs, exercises and nutritional and supplementation information all targeted towards helping you achieve just one goal...BUILDING the glutes.

Let me clarify...this is NOT a book about simply toning or shaping the butt (though you will DEFINITELY get great shape and tone from these programs, both in your butt AND your legs). This book is the ONLY book you'll find that is all about BUILDING your glutes, larger, firmer and rounder and doing it as quickly as possible.

I've just completed a big overhaul to the book and added 36 new exercises (for a total of 56 exercises), along with a bunch more programs, stretches and killer glute-training info such as:

  • how to keep and build your butt while losing fat
  • how to train your glutes when you have bad knees
  • how to widen your hips
  • what to do when your thighs take over from your glutes

Plus, I've put together a complete Online Video Library containing video for EVERY exercise in the book!

If you're interested in building larger, firmer, rounder glutes this book is DEFINITELY worth grabbing...

And let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you're male or female, this is REAL training...not an ounce of fluff in here. This is NOT some "dancey-toney" program...this is real resistance training that's going to CHALLENGE your glutes with tough exercises and programs because that's exactly what you NEED to really build that great butt you want.

And If you're advanced trainer who thinks you've seen it all, I think you're going to be happy with what you read :)...I've put in a TON of advanced stuff that will take your glute training to a whole new level.

So if you have trouble building your glutes or just want a GREAT butt, check this out now!


P.S. At midnight on Saturday, Aug 6th, the price of the book will be going up, so if you're interested in this program, be sure to grab your copy right away! This is KILLER glute training.

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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