Subject: How to get RIDICULOUSLY strong on one exercise...

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Sometimes the best workouts are the simplest workouts...this is especially true when training for STRENGTH.

For maximum strength gains, you MUST give your body a consistent training stimulus so that it knows what to adapt to.

Honestly, "muscle confusion" is the worst thing you can do if you want to build real strength.


In this "grease the groove" style workout, you're going to be adapting your body to a single exercise done for single reps, for an extended period of time.

You're going to get plenty of practice with that exercise, essentially "greasing the groove" on it (a term coined by Pavel Tsatsouline meaning frequent training so your nervous system becomes very efficient at that particular exercise).

This is a nervous system adaptation that can add substantial weight to your lifts in a very short period of time.

I'm using Trap Bar Deadlifts to demonstrate this workout, though you can use any good compound exercise for it as well (I don't recommend isolation exercises for this won't be as effective).

This method will get you RIDICULOUSLY strong on that one exercise...

(this workout has been shared more than 1200 times on my page for it already!)

Trap Bar Deadlift Top

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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