Subject: How to get Muscle Explosion or The Best Mass Exercises for free...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just a quick note for you here. TODAY is the last day you'll
be able to pick up Lee Hayward and Vince DelMonte's new program
"21 Day Fast Mass" for the launch price of $60 off.


This is a very good program...right in line with what I preach in
my own Muscle Explosion program. And the results you can achieve
with this type of training are NOT hype. I know because I've not
only experienced it myself, I've seen it work in literally
THOUSANDS of people who've used my programs.

This cyclical training takes advantage of your body's natural
response to deprivation and overfeeding to create a tremendous
anabolic "window of opportunity."

First, you start with a fat-loss/diet phase to deprive your body
of nutrients. This sets up a big need in your body for those
nutrients. So when you put them back in, your body overloads on
the storage of those nutrients, setting up an EXTREMELY anabolic
window in your body.

THAT is when you hit it with muscle-building training. During
this window, even a hardgainer's body will respond...and imagine
what'll happen if you're not a hardgainer...

So when you pick up this 21 day program through the tracking link
in this email, I'm going to give you a copy of either my own
Muscle Explosion program (which operates under the very same
principles, just with more advanced-level training) or one of my
newest books "The Best Mass Exercises You've Never Heard Of," which
contains more than 120 very unique mass-building exercises, straight
out of my basement "mad scientist lab" :)

When you get it, just send your receipt to
with your choice of book and we'll get a download link sent over



P.S. Remember, this launch price AND my complimentary book offer
will be going away at midnight tonight (Thursday, Jan 13th), so
if you're interested, NOW is the time to jump on this.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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