Subject: How to get 6 pack abs while you're fatter...

Yeah, I know that sounds really strange...bear with me...

It's all about training the abs with real resistance...

You see, one of the benefits of training the rectus abdominis (six pack abs) with resistance is improved muscle development.

And when this your rectus abdominis is well developed, you can actually SEE it sooner and with higher bodyfat than if the muscle is NOT well developed.


So yes, it sounds weird to say, but it basically means you can still have six-pack abs when you're fatter... ;).

The concep applies to just about any good ab exercise with resistance.

In this case, we're using a combination of the well-focused tension that the crunch puts on the six-pack muscle with the additional resistance achieved with the sit-up...without the lower back issues.

I call these Ab Pushing Sit-Ups and they're done with just your bodyweight and strategic use of your hands for extra resistance.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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