Subject: How to gain an inch on your arms in 6 minutes...

Let me just clear something up right away,
before you freak out and say "gaining an
inch on your arms in 6 minutes is impossible"...

You're absolutely right.

Gaining a PERMANENT inch on your arms in 6 minutes
is absolutely not possible.

However...gaining a TEMPORARY inch on your arms
due to the massive influx of blood from the training
technique I'm about to show you IS completely possible...

And a whole lot of fun!

The technique that will do it for you is what I call the Range-
of-Motion Triple Add Set
. You'll be doing two exercises
(one for biceps and one for triceps) back-to-back using
this technique.

This training technique uses targeted changes in range
of motion and rep range to strategically attack all three
major muscle fibers types (1, 2a and 2b) in one set, for
maximum growth stimulation.

Now, with regards to that massive influx of blood into
your muscles? Beyond just getting a pump, this increase
in blood flow also helps set up FUTURE gains in muscle
mass by improving localized circulation in the biceps and
triceps (increasing capillary density).

And more blood equals more growth because blood helps
bring nutrients and oxygen to the muscle cells while more
efficiently removing waste products.

The "pump" is not just about getting a "pump" actually
has a useful purpose in terms of muscle growth!

Give these Range of Motion Triple Add Sets for biceps
and triceps a try
...challenging and incredibly effective!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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