Subject: How to gain an 1/4 inch on your arms in one day...

That may not SOUND like much but that's what you might expect to gain in a MONTH of normal training.

And it's one of the programs in my Specialization Training book, only currently available via my Retirement Sale package deal.

You can learn more about that here.


Book #7 - Specialization Training

One of the fastest ways to build targeted muscle or strength is to narrow your focus and specialize.

This is something you should only do AFTER you've already built a solid base of muscle and strength.

Imagine taking your 100 units of "recovery energy" that are currently divided amongst your entire body, and putting almost all of those units into just ONE muscle group.

The results you can get from this type of training, when done properly, can be downright ASTONISHING.

Use one of the protocols in this book (Daily Specialization - you can see the full protocol here), I went from being able to do ZERO handstand push-ups to being able to do an unbroken set of FORTY reps in the space of about 3 months.

At the end of that period, I was doing reps with 105 lb dumbbells on seated shoulder press.

It was insane, especially considering shoulders are among my weakest bodyparts..

And the One Day Arm Specialization Protocol can (as I mentioned in the subject of this email), can give you a quick increase of 1/4 inch on your arms in literally just one day.

Now, you'll need to do 24 workouts on that one day (for real), but they're VERY short and you'll be doing them over 12 hours.


Why Did I Retire This Book?

It's actually another book that I'm aiming to do a big update for at some point in the near future.

The programs in it are crazy effective...they do need to be fleshed out a bit more, though, and I want to add a bunch more that I've come up with in the meantime.

Again, if you purchase this package deal, you become a customer entitled to all updates in the future!




Book #8 - The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of 2.0

This book is packed with unique exercises for every major muscle group in your body.

This one I actually had a publisher ask me to write back in 2012.

Because of that, the exercises are unique but not super crazy :)

I wanted to be sure they were doable in most gym and home gym situations so that everybody could make use of these movements and get better results compared to standard exercises.

In this, you'll find exercises like...

If your training needs a bit of a kick in the butt, the exercises in this book will do the trick.

You're going to find a lot of exercises that take exercises you're already familiar with and make them BETTER.


Why Am I Retiring This Book?

For this one, it's literally a case of needing to update the pictures and videos. The exercises are almost all awesome (there's a few that I might sub out for others).

I'm also going to be putting together a "Best of The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" book that looks back on ALL the exercises I've ever come up with and takes the top 10 (or so) for each muscle group.


I'm also throwing in 2 bonus books!

On top of those 8 books I've talked about the past few days, I'm including "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training" and "Classified Muscle Building" as well.

The Lactic Acid Training book is packed with workouts designed to maximize lactic acid production...

...lactic acid increases Growth Hormone...

...and Growth Hormone is fantastic for unlocking stubborn fat.

The Classified Muscle Building book takes all the notes and scribbles that I accumulated over years and years of training and puts it all into one place.

These are primarily tips and tricks for common exercises and movements that will help you get more results out of every set you do.

When you pick up the Retirement Package, you'll get all 8 retired books plus these 2 bonus books for just $35.

That's a CRAZY good deal.

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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