Subject: How to fix ugly phone-zombie "text neck" posture ...

How many times have you witnessed a scene like THIS walking down the street...

Unfortunately, it's incredibly common and rapidly becoming the default posture for most people.

Here's the thing, though...

According to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the #1 cause of forward head posture is NOT your posture, genetics, or lifestyle.

It’s actually a little-known culprit called “spinal amnesia.”

After years of poor posture at your desk or while texting, your brain “forgets” healthy posture…

And “remembers” a hunched upper back and giraffe neck.

That’s why things like stretches, posture correctors, or sitting up straight only provide temporary relief.

There ARE ways to fix it, though...

...and fixing it using "unwinding" methods like THIS can make you look 10 pounds lighter and 2 inches taller... while even helping you breathe better!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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