Subject: How to expand your muscle cells and FORCE new growth...

This is actually pretty's not my protocol but it's very similar to some of the techniques I've been experimenting with myself over the past few years.

The protocol is called the Cellular Expansion Protocol (CEP)...

Here's the background info you need to understand how and why it works (it gets a bit technical, but it's good info).

Your "genetic limitations" have to do with the number of nuclei per muscle cell (the cell's "brain", so to speak). This number contributes to your body composition, strength and muscle density. And this number is largely genetic...

The greater the concentration of nuclei in your muscle cells, the faster you'll grow.

The nuclei controls RNA transcription and protein synthesis. Protein synthesis regulates growth by essentially allowing you to recover from workouts...or not.

The more protein you can synthesize, the faster you can recover, the harder you're able to push, and the more frequently you can get back in the gym.

The genetic variability of this factor lies within the fact that everyone has a different total number, and concentration of nuclei in their muscles.

Its been hypothesized and shown that people with larger muscles have a much higher concentration of nuclei within their muscles. A greater “density” of nuclei per square area of measure.

So, more nuclei, greater ability to synthesize protein, and therefore a greater capacity to recover and build muscle.

Does this mean you're doomed to a fate of minimal nuclei, small muscles and terrible recovery?


This is where it's gets interesting...this is the Cell Expansion Protocol I mentioned above.

CEP training is a training protocol IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski has been teaching called Intra-Set Stretching.

==> Click Here to See How Exactly How Intra-Set Stretching Works

As you'll learn in the link above, Intra-set stretching is the only known protocol proven to maximize the recruitment of myo-satelite cells. I've actually used variations of this idea myself (Stretch-Pause Training, for example).

These myo-satelite cells are undifferentiated recovery cells that migrate to muscles under extreme levels of stress. They attach themselves to the damaged muscle cells, and donate nuclei, thereby allowing the muscle cell to increase its total capacity to synthesize protein and thereby recover faster.

Sounds pretty cool right?

This CEP training is a major part of Ben Pakulski's MI40 Extreme training system

I've known Ben for a few years now and I do have to say, he is EXTREMELY intelligent. He takes training seriously and is absolutely not your run-of-the-mill meathead.

The training techniques he uses are very similar to a lot of the stuff I do for building's science-based and it flat-out WORKS.

I definitely recommend checking out his program....the video at these links goes through the CEP training using biceps as an example. 

Check out the CEP 4-minute bicep workout here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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