Subject: How to eat your face off tomorrow and still lose fat...

Time for some "real" talk here...

I'll be honest with you...I have no intention of eating "clean" on Thanksgiving...or on ANY holiday.

One of the things that frustrates me a LOT is when people talk about trying to "survive" the holidays (in terms of eating).

You shouldn't have to feel guilty about eating good food with family and friends. This is a time to ENJOY can suffer to your heart's content another time... ;).

Therefore, what you really need is a PLAN that lets you eat good (and big) meals over the holidays while still dropping fat.

What I normally do is an "upside down" eating pattern...small, low-carb lunch...huge dinner. It works really well for me and I use this regularly even when it's not the holidays.

However, if you want a more scheduled plan, you should absolutely check out 4 Cycle Fat Loss, from my friend and colleague Shaun Hadsall.

It uses strategic eating patterns that allow you to work in big meals of pretty much whatever you want...the key is WHEN you eat them and how you set them up with your training and the REST of what you're eating during the week.

You'll still need to be strict in what you certain times. There is no magic shortcut that lets you eat whatever you want and still lose fat. The law of Thermodynamics still apply.

What Shaun has done here, though, is put together a very smart plan that manipulates your carb intake so that you take advantage of your body's hormonal reaction to food... and you lose fat ALMOST like magic.

It works.

It's a very well put-together program, both with training and eating, and it WILL help you lose fat.

And it's GOING AWAY tonight at midnight...(Shaun has told me he's likely going to be permanently "retiring" the program after this sale, so it's potentially going away forever).

Bottom line...carb cycling is extremely effective. I use it all the time in my own fat-loss programs and I really like the approach Shaun has taken with his program. This is solid info.

So if you're looking for a good plan to help you "survive" the holidays [don't you ever say that again], this is the one you need.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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